
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Christine Quinn Book Proposal

''Untitled'' by Louis Flores : A Proposal for a Political Biography of Christine Quinn

With this post, I begin a book proposal for an instant book about New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's record of corruption. Please contact me at : 1 (646) 400-1168, if you would like to be interviewed for this book.

I will draw for hundreds of blog posts, which I have written, from my series of original YouTube videos, which I have made, and from interviews with New York City activists, for material with which to write this book.

The delivery of a manuscript can be made approximately five months from the full-time inception of writing, which can begin as soon as this book comes under contract.

The publication of this book will coincide with the publication of Speaker Quinn's own autobiography, so the public's awareness and interest in the subject will already be highly visible. Agents and publishers can reach me at : 1 (646) 400-1168.

I will promote this book to the thousands of visitors to my blogs, viewers of my YouTube channels, and followers of my Twitter accounts ; to the 9 million residents of New York City, and to the tens of millions of people in the national LGBT community. I will also undertake a wide-spread, but low-cost Internet promotion campaign to support the publication of this book.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Christine Quinn Chooses Unit of Phone Hacking Conglomerate to Publish Her Thinly-Veiled, Politically-Motivated ''Memoir''

Christine Quinn, Age 45, Chooses A Unit Of News Corp. to Publish Volume 1 of Her Memoir, Tentatively Titled, ''I'm Still Here,'' an Allusion to How She Survived the City Council Slush Fund Scandal.

Why would a ''gay rights'' activist like New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn sign a contract with a sister company of FOX News to publish her memoir, if and only if it wasn't all about the money ? Unfortunately, Speaker Quinn has a record of selling out her principles when faced with making a choice between pocketing money and doing the right thing. For example, one would need to look no further than how Speaker Quinn accepted $30,000 in campaign contributions from the Rudin family in the time leading up to when the City Council would decide the fate of St. Vincent's Hospital. Speaker Quinn went to such lengths as to lock out her very own constituents from a critical City Council hearing, so that the City Council could fast-track the approval of the Rudin family's luxury condo conversion plan for St. Vincent's. Maybe Speaker Quinn might have more luck if she titled her book, Campaign Donations Don't Influence the City Council Agenda. Yeah, right.

Given how there is no such thing as a ''conflict of interest'' in New York City politics, it is a wholly untruth that HarperCollins (whose ''big brother'' and holding company are entangled in the phone hacking scandal in the U.K., mind you) is going to determine compensation for Speaker Quinn with guidance and assistance from the Conflicts of Interest Board. Remember how the Conflicts of Interest Board approved the Cathie Black deal to be schools chancellor ? Gimme a break.

This unethical book deal is just going to tarnish the tattered reputations of David Black, Henry Ferris, Jamie McShane, and still yet others. No good karma can be attached to this book deal, since its very inception is already so ethically compromised. Remember, Speaker Quinn has no integrity -- it makes us hope that HarperCollins is prepared to deal with its own scandal, similar to what happened when Random House published the semi-fictional A Million Little Pieces by James Frey.

Take a peek at what kind of ethics (or lack thereof) Speaker Quinn practices :

Speaker Quinn's editor, Mr. Ferris, already has a shaky record in publishing. Mr. Ferris did a horrible job supporting the 2003 HarperCollins title, Red Zone, by Aphrodite Jones. Red Zone was a notable non-fiction book by The New York Times bestselling author, Ms. Jones.

Look at the unimaginative book cover that Mr. Ferris approved for Ms. Jones's book :

The prospects of Speaker Quinn's book deal with Mr. Ferris doesn't sound promising, even if Speaker Quinn's book turns out to have even half the merits of Red Zone, considering the record Mr. Ferris had with Red Zone. Hopefully, Mr. Ferris won't give Speaker Quinn's book a shitty book cover at the last minute, with Courier Font and no pictures on either the front or back of the dust jacket. Given that Speaker Quinn is ethically challenged (see also the City Council Slush Fund Scandal) let's hope Mr. Ferris gives Speaker Quinn's book a memorable cover, since the least we can count on is that the book will be notorious. As has been said before, the karma around Speaker Quinn's book deal cannot be successful, and one would hope that HarperCollins isn't counting on this memoir to make money. The controversy around Speaker Quinn's ethics isn't going to drive book sales, but yet that's probably the spin that HarperCollins executives read in her book proposal. HarperCollins should have just passed.

No doubt that HarperCollins is hoping that Speaker Quinn will sell more copies of her pile of remaindered memoirs than the free hits some activists get on YouTube. Good luck.

Bloggers are waiting for word that after Speaker Quinn's memoir, Mr. Ferris would announce whether he plans on publishing Jenna Jameson's next installment of her autobiographical trilogy memoir, tentatively titled, Three Way ?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Quinn Dismisses Bloggers

Exactly For Whom Does Christine Quinn Work ? She Says That She Doesn't Like Criticism. posts a mixed-motivation article about Mayor Michael Bloomberg's closest political ally, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn :

Quinn’s critics include a group of bloggers who question her progressive credentials. Their opposition stems from her support for the mayor’s push to change the city charter, which permitted him -- and her -- to run for third terms in 2009.

Donny Moss, who blogs for, says Quinn backed the term-limits extension for Bloomberg because her own mayoral prospects were tarnished. The New York Post in 2008 reported that she participated in a practice, which predated her leadership, whereby money was allocated to fictitious organizations so it could be doled out to community groups later in the budget year.

Quinn ended the practice and instituted rules that required council members’ names to be linked with any appropriations of discretionary funding. A federal investigation closed in 2011, without any action taken, Quinn has said.

“She has betrayed the public trust by overturning term limits, by stripping the City Council of the democratic process, using discretionary funds and committee assignments to control the way council members vote,” Moss said in an interview.

Quinn shrugged off the criticism.

“I don’t work for them,” she said. “My job is not to make some random no-name blogger happy. My job is to get things done, and that means working with and for everyone who can help move agendas forward.”

Quinn's Protest Permit Law Implications

NYPD NYC Christine Quinn Protest Banner Assembly Restrictions

Christine Quinn's Illegal Precedent : The Slippery Slope Of The Erosion Of Our Civil Liberties

The growing requirement for "protest permits" in New York City and Montréal, and the bans on certain protests against government officials and politicians from the United States to Canada, which bedevils the #OccupyWallStreet movement here in New York City, can be traced back to Christine Quinn, naturally.

In 2006, multiple courts ruled the City’s assembly rules unconstitutional, and City Council was charged with fixing them. Instead of conducting public hearings and placing the matter into the hands of City Council, Speaker Quinn abdicated her responsibilities and allowed the NYPD to write these rules behind closed doors.

In February 2007, she rubberstamped the new rules into effect. Suddenly, it became illegal for 50 or more people to gather and process through New York City—unless they request and are given prior permission from the police.

Speaker Quinn, who is the first openly lesbian politician to hold such a high office in New York City government, once had a reputation for being a progressive challenger to the status quo. But now she has sold out her liberal Democratic Party ideals in exchange for running a political machine. Once the police department saw that they could easily compromise and corrupt Speaker Quinn's values, it was not too much of a stretch to envision compromising the ideals of other spineless politicians.

NYPD Stop and Frisk Occupy Wall Street Police Brutality, NYPD Stop and Frisk Occupy Wall Street Police Brutality

H.R. 347 in the United States of America ; ''Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act''

H.R. 347 was signed into law on March 8, 2012, by President Barack Obama. The law, which prohibits protests, is so controversial that there wasn't even an existing page dedicated to analysis of HR 347 on wikipedia until this evening.

The federal anti-protest law ''makes it easier for the government to criminalize protest. Period. It is a federal offense, punishable by up to 10 years in prison to protest anywhere the Secret Service might be guarding someone. For another, it’s almost impossible to predict what constitutes 'disorderly or disruptive conduct' or what sorts of conduct authorities deem to 'impede or disrupt the orderly conduct of Government business or official functions.'

Bill 78 in Quebec ; ''An Act to enable students to receive instruction from the postsecondary institutions they attend''

Bill 78, which was passed on May 18, 2012 by the National Assembly of Quebec, '' prohibits freedom of assembly, protest, or picketing on or near university grounds, and anywhere in Quebec without prior police approval. The bill also places restrictions upon the right of education employees to strike.''

The Globe And Mail reported that ongoing protests in Montréal have triggered a legal crisis, since the passage of Bill 78 : ''Bill 78 lays out strict regulations governing demonstrations of over 50 people, including having to give eight hours’ notice for details such as the protest route, the duration and the time at which they’re being held. Failure to comply could bring stiff fines for the organizers, but the law could be difficult to enforce.''

2012-05-Xx Policing the Right to Protest- G20 Report English

Quinn Cardinal Dolan Wedding Blessing ?

Did Cardinal Dolan offer a religious blessing to Christine Quinn's wedding in exchange for her political endorsement ?

If anybody finds out if there was a quid pro quo between Quinn, who is an Irish Catholic, and Cardinal Dolan, please contact us at : nothirdterm (at) gmail (dot) com -- thanks.

Christine Quinn And Special Interests

Exactly For Whom Does Christine Quinn Work ? She Says That She Doesn't Like Criticism. posts a mixed-motivation article about Mayor Michael Bloomberg's closest political ally, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn :

Quinn’s critics include a group of bloggers who question her progressive credentials. Their opposition stems from her support for the mayor’s push to change the city charter, which permitted him -- and her -- to run for third terms in 2009.

Donny Moss, who blogs for, says Quinn backed the term-limits extension for Bloomberg because her own mayoral prospects were tarnished. The New York Post in 2008 reported that she participated in a practice, which predated her leadership, whereby money was allocated to fictitious organizations so it could be doled out to community groups later in the budget year.

Quinn ended the practice and instituted rules that required council members’ names to be linked with any appropriations of discretionary funding. A federal investigation closed in 2011, without any action taken, Quinn has said.

“She has betrayed the public trust by overturning term limits, by stripping the City Council of the democratic process, using discretionary funds and committee assignments to control the way council members vote,” Moss said in an interview.

Quinn shrugged off the criticism.

“I don’t work for them,” she said. “My job is not to make some random no-name blogger happy. My job is to get things done, and that means working with and for everyone who can help move agendas forward.”

Make a pledge today to support Roots of Betrayal : The Ethics of Christine Quinn on Kickstarter.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Do Nothing Speaker

New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was the primary sponsor of just two out of 827 bills submitted to City Council since 2010

Advocates for good government describe Speaker Christine Quinn's legislative record as being a politically-motivated strategy that won't offend her wealthy interest campaign contributors.

One of the three lawmakers, who has introduced fewer bills than Speaker Quinn (if that is possible), is Larry Seabrook of the Bronx. Mr. Seabrook is under federal indictment for money laundering, extortion and fraud. Anonymous sources inside the City Council say that Speaker Quinn "frequently asks colleagues to introduce measures on her behalf, which allows her to curry favor and to avoid angering important voting blocs," reported The New York Daily News.

Based on her mixed motives and duplicitous political agenda, the future may inevitably describe Speaker Quinn as perhaps the worst City Council Speaker that New York City will ever have.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Quinn Absent Stop Frisk Press Conference

From Capital New York :

City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was the only mayoral candidate to skip a press conference criticizing the New York Police Department's heavy use of stop-and-frisk. At that same press conference, the leader of a powerful labor union warned that the candidates would be judged on their level of opposition to the police policy, which the union condemns.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Christine Quinn Victory Fund Protest

Protesting against City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's record of corruption and lies -- for the third consecutive year -- outside the Victory Fund's champagne brunch fund raiser at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

Protest against Christine Quinn at Victory Fund... by connaissable

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pharaoh Bloomberg Cartoon Interview

Christine Quinn "Pharaoh Bloomberg" Mock Interview
by: Connaissable

In this cartoon, an imaginary interview reviews the "Pharaoh Bloomberg" incident : when City Council Speaker Christine Quinn walked away from a press conference.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Quinn's $2 Billion Slush Fund

New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn doled out an unimaginable $2 billion in politically-connected slush funds over a 4 year period.  Even just part of that money could have saved St. Vincent's Hospital !  Or Peninsula Hospital Center ! Or any of the financially troubled hospitals in Brooklyn ! Read more : Christine Quinn's Slush Funds Go To Political Friends 2012 May Citizens Union Report NYC Christine Quinn Slush Fund Report FY2009 2012

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#MayDay Protest At St. Vincent's Hospital

Tuesday, May 1

2:00pm to 3:30pm – Picket, Speak Out, and “Die In” at St Vincent’s Hospital, which City Council Speaker Christine Quinn approved to be turned into luxury condos leaving the Lower West Side of Manhattan without a hospital. Meet at the O’Toole Building, 30 Seventh Avenue (between 12th Street and 13th Street) 3:30pm – March to Union Square for Unity Rally 5:30pm – Solidarity march to Wall Street Healthcare workers should wear their scrubs and white coats. All are encouraged to dress as patients — e.g. with bandages, crutches, etc. Or come as you are. 2012 05 01 May Day Hospital Closing Protest St Vincents Die In

Quinn Walks Out Of Press Conference (Video)

Christine Quinn Storms Off Of Press Conference In A Show Of Loyal Devotion To Mayor Bloomberg.

The gutted and meaningless living wage bill be damned, New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn was booed after she walked away from a vanity press conference following an innocent joke somebody made by referring to Mayor Michael Bloomberg as "Pharaoh Bloomberg." Speaker Quinn said that she did not support "name-calling," and one is left wondering how she is going to cope with all the name-calling that people are going to do, to describe her sudden and shocking hissy-fit.

The New York Times reported that the Rev. Michael A. Walrond, Jr., the senior pastor of the First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem, offered this criticism of Speaker Quinn for defending "Pharaoh" Bloomberg, saying, “What we witnessed is when persons take a stand for political expediency but don’t take a stand for justice.”

Another City Is Possible

Visit for more information about the #anotherNYC week of action to fight against budget cuts and austerity. One can't help but wonder how the powers that be, namely, Bloombo Dicto and City Council Speaker Christine Quinn are reacting to the fact that more and more people are learning the truth about how much they represent the interests of only the 1%.

Join us for the Healthcare for the 99% action at Wyckoff Heights Medical Center on May 12.

Another City is Possible 2012